From: matt nebriman []
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 1:03 AM
Subject: Re: Your account at YYYY
--- christine  wrote:
> Hi there,
> Your YYYY account has been closed.  Your
> reviews of
> "jdksaluidosaugifuafidfsiafjd" are not constructive
> reviews, and do not
> contribute positively towards the goal of our site.
> We're about supporting
> emerging artists with constructive feedback.
> Thanks,
> Christine
Dear Christine;
 I apologize for what must appear to be a childish act
on my part. However, I think I can explain what happened. 
 I have had a virus on my computer for quite some time
now which targets my ASCII controller or something or
other (that's what my technician says anyway).
Apparently it messes with my character map and
converts everything I type into nonsense. The bad
thing is, I never know when it is doing this until
later, because as I type it doesn't affect anything.
Only after I save does the conversion take place. 
 I don't know a lot about computers, but I do know
that it's a virus that stays resident in my master
boot record, which makes it virtually impossible to
get rid of unless I reformat my hard drive. But until
I get a reliable means of backing up all my files, I
have to live with it. 
 It's not a continuous symptom of the virus, either.
Neither I nor my technician know what causes it to pop
up from time to time, but he has found that if I
reboot the computer to C: prompt and do a "scanreg
/fix" it seems to make the symptom disappear for awhile. 
 Obviously, I had NO idea that I was writing such
nonsense, and for the confusion, I deeply apologize. I
can understand why you think the way you do, but I
assure you I had NO intention of giving bogus reviews
to ANYONE for ANY reason. 
 I ask that you please consider my awkward and, I
suppose, unique situation, give me the benefit of the
doubt, and allow me to continue posting my songs to
your wonderful site. I love nothing more than
listening to all those fabulous bands out there in the
hopes of one day helping one become the next big act!
(And I still wouldn't mind a shot at that myself, too,
I admit;]).
 Thanks again for your time, and once again, I
apologize for the confusion. I'll get this taken care
of right away so as not to let this happen again!